One2one Program

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One2One Programs How one2one programs can benefit teachers, parents and technical teams and how Senso makes an impact. Quite often when a school is offered the opportunity to be a part of a one2one program they tend to automatically think … Read More

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)

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Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) The Internet Watch Foundation are one of the world’s leading independent, non-profit organisations fighting online child sexual abuse. Relying heavily on support from the public, charitable giving bodies and the tech community, IWF assess and remove … Read More

Senso and MacOS

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Senso and MacOS It’s finally here! Senso and Mac are aligned, and our platform can now be integrated with macOS. We know you are as excited as we are to have it up and running and ready to go. Our … Read More

How to Limit Screen Time

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How to Limit Screen Time We’re all guilty of sitting in front of the TV and binge-watching a good series on Netflix! Equally those of us with children are often guilty of giving them an iPad, tablet or letting them … Read More

Digital Wellbeing

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Digital Wellbeing Finding a balance with technology that feels right for you. Digital wellbeing relates to how the use of digital technology impacts on an individual’s life. Whether it be social media or other apps, they can all have an … Read More

Microsoft Preferred Solution

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Microsoft Preferred Solution Renato Software is proud to be a Microsoft preferred solution of Azure Marketplace. Microsoft have verified Renato Software as a preferred solution for our Senso Teams chat and remote monitoring solution.  

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