CPOMS and MYCONCERN integration

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CPOMS and MYCONCERN integration For many schools CPOMs and MYCONCERN are important and essential daily tools which support the recording of safeguarding and reporting of concerns.

Summer Update 2022

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Our Summer update is here! Senso’s summer update 2022 brings new and improved features to ensure our users experience is even better! Here at Senso we are continuously working on our software to ensure it remains the best it can … Read More

Senso Learn blog

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Stay Compliant with Senso Learn Customers of Senso.cloud can take advantage of our learning management system for free. Our Senso Learn customers have access to content libraries focussed on compliance and safeguarding. With specially negotiated education rates for our users, … Read More

Senso and iPad

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Senso and iPad Our Senso iPad app is easy to deploy to all of your devices with ease by simply using your Apple school manager. The Senso app helps schools safeguard students. Web browsing has web filtering in place blocking … Read More

Stress awareness month 2022

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Stress awareness month 2022 Stress is something we’ve all experienced within our lifetime. Whether it be work related, home related, or the cause of anxiety and depression, stress is a common issue amongst us all. Stress can be debilitating and … Read More

Tara’s Angels

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Tara’s Angels Our marketing team banged their heads together and thought about what we could do as a company to make a difference. With so many charities around, some big, some small, we had a lengthy discussion about how we … Read More

Senso For Microsoft Teams Chat: Safeguarding Students

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Senso For Microsoft Teams Chat: Safeguarding Students Senso answers frequently asked questions regarding Microsoft teams chat monitoring and safeguarding software.

Microsoft Teams Chat Monitoring with Senso

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Microsoft Teams Chat Monitoring with Senso Monitor critical threats or inappropriate text chats within Microsoft Teams to ensure a safe environment for students and staff.

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